NanoCuvette™ S troubleshooting

Step 1: Repeat experiment

Performing an experiment on spectrophotometer has a lot of moving parts, which can results in a error-filled data acquisition. These errors will then populate the optical model within SpectroWorks™ and can result in an incorrect result. We therefor recommended to repeat the experiment if you arrive at an unexpected result.


Step 2: Update baseline

The output spectrum from a spectrophotometer is adjusted with the baseline spectra to correct for optical effects within the instrument and if the baseline is not up to date, then these artefacts can induce errors in your spectrum. So in the event, where you have repeated the experiment and an unexpected result is still present, then repeat or update the baseline measurement on the instrument. Note that this should be done without a cuvette inserted in the spectrophotometer.


Step 3: Reduce noise

Noise in the spectrum can affect the result. Noise can be reduced by changing the spectrophotometer settings:

  • For monochromator/scanning instruments:
    • Use a slower scan speed: Taking more time capture the spectrum can help reduce noise. 
    • Use a coarser resolution: Using too high resolution can result in more noise in the spectrum. 
    • Increase slit-width (spectral bandwidth): If your instrument has a variable slit-width then increasing this will let your instrument capture more light which can help reduce noise. 
  • For diode-array instruments:
    • Increase integration time: Increasing the integration time will let your instrument capture more light which can help reduce noise. 
Note that baseline should be updated (step 2) if instrument settings change. 

Step 4: Dilute sample

If an unexpected result persists after step 1 to 3, then the sample my be in a mode of multi-scattering domain, which is not captured within the model. To go from multi-scattering domain to single-scattering domain can be obtained by a sample dilution and then repeating the experiment with the dilute sample.