Shimadzu UV-1280

The Shimadzu UV-1280 UV-Vis is a low-budget, high-quality spectrophotometer, suitable for many different applications, including routine environmental and food quality testing to life science analyses. Read more about the instrument here.


Shimadzu UV-1280 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

Shimadzu is a leader in the development of advanced technologies, including UV-Visibile Spectroscopy for molecular absorption quantitative analysis. The Shimadzu UV-1280 UV-Vis is a low-budget, high-quality spectrophotometer that is suitable for many different applications, including routine environmental and food quality testing to life science analyses. The most amazing features of the Shimadzu UV-1280 include easy operation, a wealth of measurement modes, and data storage on USB flash drives. In addition, the monitored system for the deuterium/wolfram lamps ensures that users can perform highly stable measurements.




Watch the video below for a presentation of the UV-1280:



Key features of the UV-1280 include:

  • Easy to handle design
    Shimadzu UV-1280 features a keypad with a LED screen, consisting of easy to see buttons, enabling the users to perform intuitive measurements. The Shimadzu UV-1280 is therefore an easy-to use instrument.

  • A wealth of measurements modes
    The user can take advantage of a broad range of programs including photometric measurement, DNA/protein quantification, and advanced multi-component quantification.

  • USB compatibility
    The Shimadzu UV-1280 comes with an easy data storage option. This option enables the users to save data from the Shimadzu UV-1280 directly to a USB flash drive.


Shimadzu UV-1280 with amazing performance and easy to handle design

Shimadzu UV-1280 features a keypad with a LED screen, consisting of easy to see buttons, enabling the users to perform intuitive measurements. The Shimadzu UV-1280 is therefore an easy-to use instrument, making it suitable for use in several industries including life science and environmental science.

Besides the compact design and easy to handle design, it is also necessary to highlight the amazing performance of the Shimadzu UV-1280. The monitored system for the deuterium/wolfram lamps ensures that users can perform highly stable measurements. The instrument comes with a resolution of 1 nm, enhancing the performance of the Shimadzu UV-1280.




Shimadzu UV-1280 with a wealth of accessories and measurement modes

The Shimadzu UV-1280 offers wavelength scannings from 190 to 1100 nm, and the user can take advantage of a broad range of programs for UV-spectroscopic analysis including photometric measurement, DNA/protein quantification, and advanced multi-component quantification. In addition, the instrument accommodates a variety of applications due to a wealth of available accessories. These optional accessories will help the users with personalizing the instrument by adapting the Shimadzu UV-1280 to specific needs. The Shimadzu UV-1280 is therefore a flexible instrument, making it ideal for several purposes.




Shimadzu UV-1280 with USB compatibility

The Shimadzu UV-1280 comes with an easy data storage option. This option enables the users to save data from the Shimadzu UV-1280 directly to a USB flash drive. The users can then display the obtained data using commercially available spreadsheet software.




Shimadzu UV-1280 compared to other instruments

The Shimadzu UV-1280 beats its competitors on several parameters. Shimadzu UV-1280 features a resolution of 1 nm, making the instrument more accurate than Analytik Jena Spekol 1500 UV-Vis and Persee T6V Vis, because these instruments have resolutions of 2 nm.


Features of the UV-1280 compared to other instruments include: 

Shimadzu UV-1280 versus Analytik Jena Spekol 1500 UV-Vis

  • The Shimadzu UV-1280 is more accurate than Analytik Jena Spekol 1500 UV-Vis.

Shimadzu UV-1280 versus Persee T6V Vis

  • The Shimadzu UV-1280 is more accurate than Persee T6V Vis. 

Shimadzu UV-1280 with NanoCuvette™ One, SpectroLink™, and SpectroWorks™ 

The NanoCuvette™ One is a cuvette that can be used for measuring both refractive index and absorbance using a spectrophotometer.


Compatibility of Shimadzu UV-1280 with cphnano products:


This information is meant for guidance only. Copenhagen Nanosystems ApS takes no responsibility or liability for the information provided. Please write to if you want to add your UV-Vis instrument to the list or let us know of any mistakes.