Can you measure the particle size distribution using the Nanocuvette™ S?

The Nanocuvette™ S and SpectroWorks™ can determine different particle sizes and their relative concentrations.

If you would like to obtain a particle size distribution, it is possible using the Nanocuvette™ S in conjunction with SpectroWorks™ to distinguish between several different particle sizes and give their relative concentrations, but our technology is not yet able to measure the variance of these sizes. You can expect results like the example graph below, measured on TiO₂ particles using NanoCuvette™ S.
particle size dist

Fig. 1 Example plot showing number of particles of TiO₂ and their diameters.


For further information about this application of the particle size distribution, you can look at our  Custom UV-Vis Solution for titanium dioxide applications.