Known for developing the world's first miniature spectrophotometer, Ocean Insight workes within spectroscopy and imaging technologies.
Ocean Insight within spectrophotometry

The company was founded in the late 80’s, as Ocean Optics, and received a federal grant for a marine pH sensor. As a part of their project, the team needed a compact spectrophotometer to fit into a small, underwater housing. As the team found out that none existed, they decided to make their own, and in 1992, the company was able to release the world’s first miniature spectrophotometer. Since then, Ocean Insight has evolved its technology, expanded its offering, and obtained vital partners, which is why Ocean Insight has such a broad manufacturing and supply network today.
Ocean Insight has been in the industy for more than 25 years and works with spectroscopy and imaging technologies. Ocean Insight’s FLAME-CHEM spectrometer is a small footprint instrument with performance and flexibility.
Strong experience within spectroscopy (For other brands that also possess strong experience within spectroscopy, you can read more about Agilent and VWR/Avantor)
- Ocean Insight has discovered, refined and delivered new approaches for more than 25 years in order to solve problems with spectroscopy and imaging technologies.
Flexible and performance instruments (For other brands that also focuses on these values, you can read more about VWR/Avantor and Shimadzu)
- Ocean Insight's FLAME-CHEM spectrometer is a small footprint instrument with performance and flexibility. In addition, Ocean Insight enables users to choose models with wavelength range options of 350-1000 nm.
Ocean Insight's FLAME-CHEM spectrometers
Ocean Insight’s FLAME-CHEM spectrometers are fully integrated systems, while each setup comprises a FLAME spectrophotometer, a direct-attach light source and a cuvette holder for 1 cm path length cuvettes. Users can also purchase the OceanView spectroscopy software in order to complete the system.
Ocean Insight enables the users to choose between UV-Vis and Vis-NIR models. FLAME CHEM UV-VIS features wavelength range options of 200-850 nm, while FLAME CHEM UV-NIR features wavelength range options of 350-1000 nm. Ocean Insight’s FLAME-CHEM spectrometers can be used in order to measure absorbance and transmission of liquid samples in cuvettes.
The FLAME spectrophotometer comes in a compact design, making it a small footprint instrument that can help users with simplifying operation and saving bench space. The amazing features of Ocean Insight’s FLAME-CHEM spectrometers make the instruments well suited for teaching labs and research environments, where users seek instruments with performance and flexibility.
Our relationship to Ocean Insight
Ocean Insight products are sold along with ours by Frederik Scientific, a leading Danish distributor and global supplier of science teaching equipment. Go to for purchasement.
Ocean insights and cphnano are thus helping a new generation of digital natives learn about data science, spectrophotometry and label-free measurements.
We thank Ocean Insight for the FLAME spectrophotometer that has been specifically optimized for the NanoCuvette™ One.
This information is meant for guidance only. Copenhagen Nanosystems ApS takes no responsibility or liability for the information provided. Please write to if you want to add your UV-Vis instrument to the list or let us know of any mistakes.